How We Can Help You
We provide advice and guidance to help you make informed decisions to improve your financial well-being.
Credit Counselling
Overwhelmed with heavy debt loads? Learn how to get control of your money.
Debt Consolidation
Reduce interest, decrease monthly payments and avoid backruptcy.
One-On-One Budget Coaching
Manage your money and take charge of your finances with our budgeting experts.
Your CreditImprove your credit score in as little as 18 months with the Build Learn Save program.
Get the Advice You Need
Since 1992, Creditaid has been helping customers achieve their goal of managing their debt problems, credit card debt and becoming debt-free through our credit counselling and debt consolidation services.
When it comes to your finances and working through debt problems, you need someone the you can trust. Creditaid is a licensed and bonded credit counselling agency.