Canadians are Postponing Retirement to Help Their Adult Children

Couple-postponing-retirementHalf of Canadians surveyed are willing to postpone retirement for their children according to a study by BMO Wealth Management. Even more worrying is that 24 per cent said they’d be willing to go into debt to help their children succeed. Ironically, one of the top reasons parents cited for their financial concern about their children is that they will incur debt that they can’t manage.

According to Statistics Canada, today’s youth are more educated, staying at home longer and putting off their entry into a treacherous labour market where unemployment rates for young adults are twice the national average. This is daunting information but not insurmountable. Parents and their children can find a way through the morass by learning about how to manage their money better.

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Boomer Exodus Interrupted

The topic in this great article by Barbara Bowes is something that is sure to have already affected many lives, with many more affected parties to come!

What are your thoughts, do you anticipate the opportunities, or dread the skills gap that’s sure to result?


No matter your stage in life, it’s important to keep the stats in mind: many are living from pay cheque to pay cheque now, when they could be taking action and planning accurately to avoid having to work through the retirement years.

Is it time for you to take action?