New Year-New Beginnings – Financial goals

The beginning of a new year is a time to start fresh, make some changes and set some goals.  Now is as good a time as any to evaluate your income, expenses and overall financial health and set some goals.

Here are a few things to look at when it comes to setting financial goals:

Retirement: Depending on your age, retirement can seem like a lifetime away, or it can be right around the corner. No matter your age, now is the time to look at what is available for retirement income, and if it is deemed to be not enough, now is the time to start saving towards that goal.
Insurance: get out your policies, health, life, auto, property, etc. Talk to your agent to see if you are appropriately covered.

Debt Reduction:Consolidate current debt and don’t create more- that means cutting up the credit cards and gaining control of spending.

Savings: Besides controlling spending, you’ll want to amass some savings; typically the interest rate on investments is considerably lower than the interest rate on your line of debt so by saving rather than paying down debt, you’re actually losing money. That’s where you need to strike a balance: you need to invest some, but at the same time reduce the debt.

Additional Income:Think about the possibility of getting a second part time job. If you’re living comfortably on your current income, the income from a second job can go directly on debt or mortgage or into retirement or another fund for education or a trip or an emergency.

Once you set your financial goals, it’s good to revisit them every few months. Six months from you will be motivated to continue your financial plan when you see how well it’s working for you!

Consumer Obsession Leads Us to Over-spending

The desire to “keep up with the Jones’s” has become more than a social status issue for many people.  Also, it is very easy to get caught up in this during the holiday season. It has become a catalyst for overspending that has consumers running to banks and other lenders looking for ways to finance their purchases. This issue also has countless consumers loaded up with credit card debt so steep it may take them a lifetime to get out of it.

Give your financial literacy a good double-check, and if you are not already practicing the following financial practices, now is a great time to start today:

  • Pay bills on time and balance your check book each month. You can’t know how much you can afford to spend if you don’t know how much you currently have to spend.
  • Stop buying on impulse. If you want something, rather than charging it on your credit card and paying interest, save for the next few month and buy it when you have the money.
  • Always pay more than your minimum balance on credit cards: Get rid of them as soon as possible. You will save money on interest and have more to save for the future.
  • Vow to maintain only “good” debt. This is the type of debt that will increase your net worth: A mortgage on an affordable home, a car loan, or college debt. These will either increase your creditworthiness or make you more employable so you are able to earn more and keep debt to a minimum.
  • Always include some savings in your budget. Many short-sighted people are unable to see their needs after retirement and don’t save. This results in financial difficulty during their declining years.
  • Find out what you don’t know about finances—and learn it. Despite the flood of information on financial management, people don’t take the time to learn.

Finally, in order to put a stop to this financial madness keep in mind the media pull for spending and don’t be drawn into the hype. By being savvy shoppers and savers, the overspending and debt can stop.

Is money causing stress in your life?

Is your relationship with money causing stress in your life? If so, then it may be time for some financial therapy. Winnipeg-based psychologist and life coach Dr. Moira Somers specializes in financial psychology, an emerging field that explores people’s relationship with money (and why they may treat it the way that they do).

Dr. Somers maintains that our behaviour towards money may stem from our childhood experiences including exposure to money management beliefs and culture. These beliefs in turn causes many disordered behaviour in our adult lives such as chronic debt, overspending, under-earning and using money as a means (whether consciously or not) to exercise power, control or to fill a void.

You can read more about Dr. Moira Somers in the Winnipeg Free Press article by Carolin Vesely, or visit her website at

Finance Minister kicks off Financial Literacy Week

Canada’s Finance Minister was in Toronto last week to kick off the Financial Literacy Week.  This initiative is a nationwide campaign aimed at helping Canadians increase their financial knowledge so that they can make more informed decisions when it comes to their personal finances.

Many Canadians have taken advantage of the low interest rates since the recession and the government warns of the dangers of piling on too much debt, and especially at this time.  With a clearer understanding of financial matters and stronger financial literacy, Canadians will have greater control over their own finances and collectively build a more stable economy.

Financial Literacy Week was started in 2009 with that aim in mind.  Many resources are now available online, and events are being held across the country.

Low Monthly Payments = Instant Gratification & Longterm Debt

Retailers have learned how to appeal to our desire for instant purchase power. They can easily sell us on how great it would be to own their newest electronic device, kitchen appliance or piece of furniture. They also know that they need to convince us that we can afford this new luxury item, and low monthly payments through a finance plan is one of their favorite ways to do that.

“This can be yours – TODAY, for ONLY $25.00 a month!”

‘I can afford that,’ we think to ourselves, and we sign up for the monthly payments and take home our brand new purchase. A few months later, we do it with something else. Pretty soon, we have several ‘low monthly payments’ that we need to keep up with and balances that are very slow to decrease.

The trouble with these monthly payment plans is that they take so long to pay off. Because you are paying high interest rates on the principal, you may end up paying two or three times the total value of the item you purchased, just so you could have it NOW. What seemed like a small amount of money, when broken down in installment payments, is making the finance companies lots of revenue, and it’s coming out of your pockets.

Although, it may not be as easy to get out of this situation as it was to get into it, it can be done. At Creditaid, we know the ins and outs of this type of financing. We’ve helped plenty of people dealing with too many monthly payments. We’d be happy talk with you about your own personal situation. Ask for a FREE consultation today.

Unexpected Repair Bills Can Put You in Hot Water

Owning your own home is something that gives a person a sense of independence and accomplishment. You are no longer paying monthly rent payments on property that doesn’t belong to you. You are building equity in your home instead. When you purchase your home, your mortgage company will generally assess your financial situation to determine whether or not you can afford the payments on the home you are purchasing. They know that it is in their best interest to keep you from purchasing a home you cannot afford.

In spite of this careful financial screening by your mortgage company, financial positions can change after you make the purchase. Even when you are able to make your house payments, there may be little, if any, extra cash for repairs and maintenance to the home you own.

Unfortunately, repairs to your home can’t always be planned for. If your furnace dies in the middle of the winter, you have to replace or repair it. If you have water damage that isn’t covered by your insurance, those repair costs will have to paid by you, the homeowner. These types of unexpected expenses can break a family’s budget that is already stretched to its limits.

If you’ve found yourself in this spot and don’t know how you’re going to get out of this downward financial spiral, Creditaid may be able to help. Contact us for your free consultation.

Financial Literacy Week

Did you know that October 30th – November 5th, 2011 is Financial Literacy Week? The national campaign is organized by ABC Life Literacy Canada and aims to increase the financial knowledge and know-how of Canadians. This year’s campaign ambassador is Gail Vaz-Oxlade and together with ABC Life Literacy Canada, she has released a series of videos sharing her best financial advice.

Gail Vaz-Oxlade is the host of hit TV shows Til’ Debt Do Us Part and Princess. Gail is also the author of best-selling books Debt Free Forever and Easy Money.

Gail will be coming to Winnipeg on Feb 9th, 2012 – stay tuned to Creditaid for more information.

To watch more of Gail’s videos, click here.

Student Loans Got You in a Bind?

There was a time when applying for financial aid for university or college meant applying for grants and scholarships that didn’t need to be paid back. There isn’t as much of that type of funding available today. Even when it is available, it doesn’t usually cover the full costs.

Student loans are what most people have used to help them finance their way through university. They’re fairly easy to secure, and they don’t have to be paid back until after you leave college. Their interest rates are also usually lower than you would pay on other loans. They are a good deal for students.

Unfortunately, you may be in the situation that many others find themselves in after their education has come to an end. Starting pay at the job you’ve secured (if you have one) isn’t what you hoped it would be. In addition, you probably are dealing with a lot of other living expenses that you could not possibly have predicted at the time you took out your student loans. Many people start out college single and carefree, and then come out of college married and perhaps having children to support. They usually have added a car payment to their cost of living and a more expensive apartment or the purchase of a home. All these things can easily consume an individual’s pay check and leave little left for paying off student loans.

As we said, if you find yourself financially strapped because of student loan payments that you can’t afford, you are not alone. Plenty of others are finding themselves in the same situation. Many of them are our clients. We are helping them find solutions that can resolve their lopsided financial situation and put them back on track. Contact us and let ‘s discuss how we might be able to help you too.

What’s Your Hobby Worth?

Everyone has his or her own private passion. It may be sports, photography, fishing, crafting or restoring old cars. These types of passions and hobbies can keep us energized and excited about life. That’s a good thing. On the flip side, some of them can become quite expensive, and when it involves something we truly enjoy, it is easy to justify those expenses to ourselves. A good deal is a good deal, right?

If you’ve gotten yourself into debt to finance one of your hobbies – you aren’t alone. Plenty of people find themselves in that situation. Sometimes people make the assumption that the hobby will be able to pay for itself in some way, and then, that doesn’t materialize. At other times, people just get caught in the heat of the moment and hope they’ll be able to pay off the credit card debt the next month or next spring or…

Debt that has been created because of overspending of hobbies and recreational activities can be dangerous to a family in more than one way. Besides the bind it puts you into financially, it is the type of debt that often can cause strong division in a marriage relationship as well, particularly if the interest  is not one that is shared by the spouse.

Hobby debt can accumulate much faster than we expect, but it doesn’t need to be your downfall. At Creditaid, we’ve helped plenty of people deal with this same situation. Our experienced credit counselors are here to help. Contact us for your free initial consultation.